As most of you know earlier this year we welcomed our baby boy Micah to our (now) family of six! With another gorgeous addition to the family I have definitely gotten accustomed to organising and decluttering the house to make room for a beautiful addition. This made me think the tips I have picked up on the way may help the newly expecting mum’s out there!
Tip 1: Do not rush!
Rushing will make these tasks frustrating and even more unenjoyable. Clearing and decluttering can get a bad rep sometimes but it can actually be quite therapeutic if you have the luxury of time. Get a head start and start small. Put yourself on the clock – lock in timeslots throughout each week so you don’t overdo it all at once.
Tip 2: Disperse and order
Try and plan out what rooms to declutter and when. Don’t aim to do all the big rooms in one week, disperse your time evenly between the harder rooms and the easier rooms. My preference is to chip away at it until you feel complete (which is probably never once nesting kicks in, ha!) but others prefer to focus on completing one room at a time – find whatever works best for you and commit.
Tip 3: Marie Kondo
When you’re in each room, try and channel Marie Kondo and ask yourself if each item sparks joy – and try to draw a line between a cherished keepsake and a useless souvenir. As you have probably already been told – divide items into three piles – yes, maybe, and no. The maybe’s are a pile I either hold onto until nesting really sets in, or I revisit once I have sorted the entire house.
Tip 4: Maximise space
Four kids is a handful…let alone finding space for all of their clothes, toys etc. I’m lucky to have 3 girls, Micah being our first son, so until now I’ve been able to recycle items between my kids. As they get older I’m really trying to maximise the space in our house which means storage is key. Majority of people these days don’t have storage space in their homes, so I’d recommend using a company like Hire Storage. Pack and label everything in a box for easy navigation if you ever want to grab something out.
Tip 5: Maintain order
Ok…this one feels like a never ending battle in our household but we do our best. Labelling is my best friend both for storage and organisation in the home. Another hot tip is to get a deep clean done before bub arrives (and every six or so months), allowing you to relax on the chores until a few months in – when you hopefully get more than 3 hours sleep a night. Even if you have to hire a cleaning service…you’ll thank me later.
Tip 6: Embrace the change
While your home probably won’t feel this clean, quiet and decluttered ever again – get used to it. It’s all a beautiful part of starting (or growing) a family. Go with the flow and let the journey of motherhood be the blessing it is for me.
This post was written in collaboration with secure storage services company – Hire Storage & Influencer Agency – #AsSeenOn.