We have attempted going to the WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo soooo many times this school holidays but something called life always came in the way. I was super happy we actually managed to make it on Friday just before the school holidays ended.
We actually went to WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo not long ago to have breakfast with the Koalas and the girls had so much fun. Going back this time, the plan was to see all the amazing wildlife again BUT this time to also meet Peppa Pig! WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo is celebrating ‘15 Years of Muddy Puddles’ with Peppa Pig along with so many fun activities. As it is the school holidays, I definitely recommend trying to get there early and beat the rush. The great thing with tickets to the zoo (or Sea Life) is that it includes cheap all-day parking available in several places all nearby. I only paid $15 for the whole day at Wilson Harbourside Parking, just make sure you validate your ticket at the gift store before exiting to get the discounted rate. Here's some info if you are planning to drive there: https://www.wildlifesydney.com.au/plan/cheap-parking/

Besides meeting Peppa Pig, the girl's favourite part of the wildlife was going into the Butterfly tropics. The girls were running around while butterflies were fluttering through lush ferns and palms; they then spotted vividly coloured pythons sunning themselves among the vines and slithering through the thick undergrowth. It was so exciting to see their eyes light up when they walked into that wonderful surprise!

If you are planning to meet Peppa Pig, make sure you check here for the updated meet and greet times. Meet and greet is held at the Koala rooftop. Try to come early, as it takes approximately 20 minutes to walk to Koala Rooftop from the Zoo entry.
Feel free to bring the kid's snack/morning tea as there's a dining area where there's also a great cafe with yummy refreshments and coffee for the adults.

There are also opportunities for you to have breakfast with the koalas and have your photo taken with them all for approx. $60 per person. It's an online exclusive/only deal which is pretty good value as it includes your entry ticket as well! This was seriously an amazing experience that we did last time and I can't wait to go back with Andy so he can experience it with the girls.

The girl's were super excited they got a cuddle Peppa and I especially thought Mabel would of been super excited as she CLEARLY says the words 'Peppa Pig' every time she sees the show on the TV (by the way, she can't even say "mummy" yet). But as she was walking up to Peppa, she suddenly decided NOPE and then turned around to walk away haha.
There's also story time at 11.30am where you can also get a Special edition Peppa Pig Activity book with an activity trail to complete throughout your WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo visit.

Overall it was such a fun morning, especially with Mabel now walking and exploring on her own; it was amazing to see all the girls to learn and experience our amazing wildlife. It's a bit of a shame that I only got to share our adventure right now (at the end of the holidays) because the WILD LIFE Sydney zoo really is a great example of what Sydney has to offer. Next on the agenda is to take the girls to visit SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium!
If you want to meet Peppa Pig, the WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo appearances unfortunately ends ends today (Sunday 28th April) but you can see meet her at SEA LIFE until the end of the month!
Check out a quick snippet of our day.
For more information about WILD LIFE Sydney, check out their website https://www.wildlifesydney.com.au/